Blog 7 - What is the value of the Welsh language in primary education?
What is the value of the Welsh language in primary education? Approximately 16% of pupils attend welsh medium schools and speak Welsh as their dominant language. A further 10% are bilingual in Welsh and are given the opportunity to communicate in welsh on a daily basis (Jones, 2016). These statistics are disappointingly low for Wales as Welsh is becoming a dying language (Somers, 2016). With the implementation of the new curriculum in 2020, it is with hope that Wales will start to be re-known for its Welsh language again, but what value does this have for children in school? Language is the essence of thinking, and is integral in communication, learning, reflection and creativity (Donaldson, 2015). Languages links in with the Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE and it provides children with the fundamental building blocks for the different forms of communication, literacy and learning about language, and also the ability to develop their ability in different langu...